Melbourne Highland Games & Celtic Festival       23 March 2025

President’s Welcome 2025 – MHG&CF

It is my great honour and privilege to welcome you all to the Melbourne Highland Games and Celtic Festival. This year we come together to celebrate the traditions of Scotland. We celebrate our music, our dance, our feats of strength, and our proud heritage.

A special welcome to our international athletes who have travelled from afar to compete in the International Heavy Games Championships. This is the first time that we will be hosting an international event, and we are very excited about to have athletes and officials from around the world to join us.

I extend my appreciation to the dancers who will dazzle us today with their grace and precision. Their performances embody centuries of tradition, and we are privileged to witness their artistry. No Highland gathering would be complete without the soul-stirring sound of the pipers, whose melodies will transport us straight back to the majestic hills and glens of Scotland.

To the Clans and their followers, thank you for upholding the culture and traditions of Scotland. We are proud to stand with you in celebrating our shared history.

To all our visitors, we extend our warmest welcome. We hope you will enjoy your time with us on the day. Whether this is your first time at the Games or you are a returning guest, we are delighted to have you with us.

I must also acknowledge that we are the last and only metropolitan Highland Games left in Melbourne. The effort and commitment by a small group of dedicated volunteers make this event possible. We are very grateful for the support of our many business partners and sponsors without whom we would not be able to host this event.

Finally, it is my great pleasure to welcome Carol Davis as our Chieftain of the Day, and Clan MacLennan, as our Honoured Clan. Carol is the Chief’s Commissioner for Australasia and President of Clan MacLennan Australia.

Yours Aye
Wayne R Makin FSAScot
Melbourne Highland Games & Celtic Festival

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